Masterpiece (2017) Malayalam Movie Review – Veeyen

Ajai Vasudev’s ‘Masterpiece’ has snippets from writer Udayakrishna’s former films, that the latter stitches together with  a banal thriller thread and a few drained out jokes, making it appear a botched up film. And yet if you are the kind who might get goose bumps galore, watching Eddie hurl away a dozen goons all over the campus playground, you are more than welcome to grab that ticket right now.

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Bobby (2017) Malayalam Movie Review – Veeyen

Despite a premise that is loaded with possiblities that I’m sure most viewers would have taken to eagerly with a bit of inquisitiveness, ‘Bobby’ reaches nowhere near any of its triumphant predecessors. It lacks the tastefulness that could have done it tons of good, and instead strikes you as a dramatic overstatement on love that attempts to defy age constraints.

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