Aanum Pennum (20210 Malayalam Movie Review – Veeyen

This is a collective that offers three films in the increasing order of effectiveness, starting off with quite passable stuff at one end and ending with an engaging component at the other. As such, it does not spin off much in an interesting fresh direction, and for the most part makes do with some disposable stuff that tries to pass off as observations on gender equations.

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O.P.160/18 Kakshi: Amminipilla (2019) Malayalam Movie Review – Veeyen

Dinjith Ayyathan’s ‘O.P.160/18 Kakshi Amminipilla’ has a few pitfalls without doubt, but is also a film that would be discussed for the very valid theme that it purports. There is a charm to the old school style of film making that he so assertively flaunts, and an appeal in his confidence to bank on substance over style.

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Virus (2019) Malayalam Movie Review – Veeyen

‘Virus’ is an effectual ensemble piece that marvellously bonds together the pieces of a jigsaw, thereby rendering complete, a story of how fortitude eventually stamps over irrepressible fear. Emotionally pervasive and unnervingly real, It is also the kind of film that makes you go for a few extra dabs of your hand sanitizer, as you get all set to key down a review.

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Vijay Superum Pournamiyum (2019) Malayalam Movie Review – Veeyen

‘Vijay Superum Pournamiyum’ has a pretty atmosphere that is accentuated with solid performances and compelling moments that glimmer here and there.  But it regrettably lacks the requisite natural vibes to render it the charm that could have transferred it to the next level – that of a wholly agreeable entertainer.


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